L2Romans is one of few Lineage2 Interlude servers which allows players to use any in game (IG) or out of game (OOG) applications or tools bots, to support their play style.
Below you can find few of bots (IG and OOG) for use for free! Some of below will contain extra description of how to install or use them. Choose any you want and enjoy playing Lineage2 with bots!
Usefull info for setting up bots:
- Server IP:
- Port: 2106
- Protocol: 746
L2Walker - OOG bot for L2 Interlude
L2Walker stands out for the oldest bot for Lineage2. It offers extensive scripting options for custom tasks and has advanced pathfinding to navigate efficiently. The bot effectively manages buffs, including self-buffing and support characters. It automates combat using predefined conditions and can handle targeting, attacking, using skills and items.
Additionally, L2Walker manages looting and inventory, and can automate selling or storing items. It supports multiple instances which allow users to use several characters at once.